Aura Cleansing
A spiritual ritual known as smudging is performed by burning sage in your home. Sage sticks have antimicrobial properties and keep infectious bacteria and viruses away. Sage sticks are known to clear negative ions from the air, thus, purifying and cle...
Aura Cleansing
A spiritual ritual known as smudging is performed by burning sage in your home. Sage sticks have antimicrobial ...
Aura Cleansing
A spiritual ritual known as smudging is performed by burning sage in your home. Sage sticks have antimicrobial properties and keep infectious bacteria and viruses away. Sage sticks are known to clear negative ions from the air, thus, purifying and cleansing your home. Sage is also burnt to remove negative energy from any space - including past traumas, bad experiences or negativity from others.

- Creates an uplifting fragrance throughout the space
- Known to improve quality of sleep & aid insomnia
- Improves one's mood & reduces stress
- Used to cleanse or empower any objects
- Purifies & cleanses the atmosphere
Sage sticks are considered holy by a lot of cultures. Buy the purest Sage sticks from My Pooja Box.
How to purify your space with sage sticks
Sage sticks are powerful and should be handled carefully. A white sage incense can be used by beginners who don't know the craft of smudging yet. The sages in an incense form make it easy to handle and can be put out more easily than normal sage bundles.
Sage when coupled with other spiritual cleansing methods can be very strong. For example, try pairing sage incense sticks with birchwood smudging to bring in new beginnings and new starts.
To use a sage smudge stick properly, you need to know how to burn the crown of a sage stick first. After mastering that skill, you will need to spend some time setting your intention. Primarily, you would want to expel negative energy and bad vibes out of your house. The smoke is supposed to fill and purify the spaces they fill.
Also, be sure to be mindful when doing this. Keep your wishes and hopes at the forefront of your mind while smudging your house.
To extinguish a burning sage stick, just smother it in a bowl of sand. Safety is key when practicing any spiritual ceremony. This is why it is important to keep the bowl of sand nearby, in case you need to extinguish the smudge stick in a hurry.
Sage sticks, are they a good gift?
Sage smudge bundles act as an amazing housewarming gift for a friend who is particular about the energies in their house. The sage smudge bundles will be greatly appreciated by your friend, especially if they are just moving into their new house and they are yet to cleanse the house. My Pooja Box has some of the most beautiful sage smudge bundles, and white sage incense sticks. You can make the best housewarming package for your friend.
My Pooja Box also has a wide selection of gift items and decoration items that can curate the best housewarming gift box.
What else to do with smudging for the best benefits
Sage smudge sticks can be intense. Along with clearing the space from negative energies, burning sage sticks can also be used to scent up a space. Smudging can also improve the feng shui energy flow in a house.
You can also use sage smudge sticks to perform moon rituals. The burning of sage is associated with new beginnings and every new beginning can ring in with a sage smudging ceremony.