Myrodia Fragrance/ Attar
Commonly known as Ittar, Attar is a natural perfume available in concentrated form which is then presented in small, crystal-cut pretty bottles. Popular for about thousands of years, Attar being an alcohol-free product is extracted from botan...
Myrodia Fragrance/ Attar
Commonly known as Ittar, Attar is a natural perfume available in concentrated form which is then prese...
Myrodia Fragrance/ Attar
Commonly known as Ittar, Attar is a natural perfume available in concentrated form which is then presented in small, crystal-cut pretty bottles. Popular for about thousands of years, Attar being an alcohol-free product is extracted from botanical sources, flowers, spices, or even herbs.
Be it Mogra, Oud, or Sandalwood, the sweet oil scent with its natural healing properties soothes your mind and boosts up your mood. Widely used in aromatherapy, the Attars which are also available in the form of sprays retain their fragrance on our clothes or body for a couple of days.
Buy Fragrance online to relieve ailments
Being derived from natural resources, Attar is said to directly impact your brain, reduce stress levels, blood sugar levels, relieve headaches, depression, stress, and enhance confidence. So, go ahead and buy Ittar, Attar, Oud Online India from our online shopping store and enjoy a refreshing start to your day.
Best option to gift your loved ones
Be it a wedding, housewarming, or any other ritual, Attar is such a thing treasured from the past that works wonders as a gift as well. If you are looking for adorable Diwali gifts, or Rakhi gifts both for men and women then Ahmar Gold Attar, Diamond Quilted Aswad Attar, Middle Eastern Attar, Elegant Purple Glance Attar, etc are a great choice for gifting.
Add a class to the living
The mystical fragrances of the Attar have been in use in India for more than 60,000 years and were used by the royal families. Also, the best option is Diwali gifts for your family, friends, or beloved ones, these Attars come in an amazing list of prices. To buy Ittar, Attar, Oud Online India, browse through the outstanding collection of Crystal Clear Attar Bottles, and perfume oils available at our store.
We at MyPoojaBox strive hard to offer you a pleasant shopping experience. Now say goodbye to that waiting and spending hours and hours in search of the Attar you have been looking for. Buy Fragrance online available at our online shopping platform and surprise your sister with amazing Rakhi gifts.