Spiritual Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamp

Spiritual Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamp

Uplifting the charm of the interiors with its gentle warm-orange reddish glow, the Himalayan Salt Lamps are exotic decorative items that circle a range of benefits. Great for gifting purposes, these Himalayan Salt Lamps available at MyPoojaBox are shaped into beautiful decor items. Found at the foothills of the Himalayan mountains, these crystals at the pristine dry seabed containing potassium, calcium, and magnesium works wonders in your life. So add this eco-friendly item to your bucket-list and buy Himalayan salt lamp to draw-out negativity from your life and Vastu.

Om & Guruji Himalayan Salt Lamp Basket

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These lamps are basically made from the huge chunks of edible Himalayan Salt which are used as a finishing salt brings out the true flavor of the dish with its delicate saltiness. Undoubtedly unique in its own way, these Himalayan salt lamps benefit you in so many ways when kept at your work desk, living room, bedroom, bathrooms, or any corner of your house. This natural tool yielding overall well-being is fixed with an LED bulb inside, which when lit absorbs the moisture & unwanted substances from the air. Here are an unlimited Spiritual Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamp, have a look.

● Drives away negativity and balances electromagnetic radiations

The negative energies and the electromagnetic radiations created by the constant use of devices like TVs, computers, mobile phones, etc are driven away by these salt lamps. Creating positivity, these lamps help you to overcome fatigue and mental stress which is one of the Spiritual Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamp.

● Common cold, cough, and breathing problems are alleviated

Said to be one of the natural healers, Himalayan salt possessing antibacterial properties is used to prevent cough, cold, sneezing, sore throats, etc Clearing the congestion in the chest & sinuses, pink salt makes breathing easy & serves as the best solution for people with bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory issues.

Himalayan Pink Salt Square Firebowl Glow Lamp

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● Relaxes your mind, body, and improves sleep

Suffering from insomnia? Try this salt lamp that emits a soft glow when switched on and creates a relaxing atmosphere that directs your mind to sleep. Furthermore, using this lamp during yoga, meditation, or reading books calms your mind, instantly lifting-up your mood.

● Purifies, cleanses the air and lifts up the ambiance

Buy a Himalayan salt lamp available at MyPoojaBox and create a unique ambiance at your home. Seeming attractive, these handcrafted lamps soaks the water content in the air, thereby trapping the pollutants. Be it the pollen, smokes of cigarettes or even the dirt present in the air is cleansed and the air is balanced.

● Boosts concentration and productivity

With the unboxing of the qualities of pink salt, here is another advantage of using Himalayan salt lamps bothering much of your mental health. They reduce anxiety and increase the level of oxygen supply to the brain. This boosts the neurotransmitter serotonin which thereby improves your concentration & productivity.

Himalayan Pink Salt Aroma Diffuser

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● Rejuvenates your skin by calming skin allergies

Apart from healing oneself spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, the Himalayan salt lamp benefits you physically also. Widely used as a body deodorant, pink salt cures people suffering from irritation, redness of the skin, psoriasis, eczema, itching, and heals your skin. The magnesium, sulphur, chromium, and zinc present in this salt softness the tissues and also relieves you from muscle cramps.

● Improves your mood

In addition to the above benefits, Himalayan Pink salt is also said to benefit people undergoing depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Using this lamp for 14 consecutive days by increasing the serotonin to improve your moods, regulates calmness and the dim glow of the lamp promotes you to sleep well.

Natural Plug-In Himalayan Salt Lamp

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With no mess in installation, these gorgeous Himalayan Pink Salt Lamps with holistic healing properties dispelling negativities with its natural ionizing air proves to be truly beneficial. This unique, eco-friendly home decor item suiting both indoors and outdoors is extremely safe to use. Beyond decorating your pretty home, this stunning salt lamp is a greater choice to boost good health.

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