Mid-Week Valentines Day: Stay Home Or Go Out?

valentines day celebration

Valentines day is a day cherished by some & dreaded by others. But whether you have someone special in your life or not, one thing is for sure, heading out on a day like this is bound to cause you more irritation than happiness. This holds true for your better half as well.

While fancy restaurants with their fancy valentine’s day themes are a great place to celebrate a special occasion, weekends & special events are sure to attract large crowds to not so large spaces. This not only creates an absolute ruckus, but also makes it a nightmare to reach the place let alone find a seat or parking.

So, this valentine’s day, we are going off beat and discussing 10 reasons why, you should celebrate at home!

Let’s begin with what’s wrong with going out on Valentine’s day –


As stated before, Valentines day is just another excuse for others to head out & party and everyone seems to make the most of this excuse. This means, you either need to call a 100 restaurants & bars to book a table or you need to run around waiting & hoping you get a seat. None of this is ideal on this special day reserved for love now is it?



Now travelling is a pain whether or not there is a festival on the day. Traffic is a nightmare in India & parking is a distant dream. What’s the point of driving in circles for half an hour before finding a spot only to realize it’s almost half a kilometer away from your desired destination? It’s during this walk that people tend to regret wearing their fancy shoes that do everything right but comfort.


I’m talking about the guys and girls who stand outside restaurants trying to tell you why their restaurant/bar is better than the other. This can be especially annoying on days like that of Valentines where literally every single restaurant, bar or lounge has a special offer!


It’s the day you’ve been waiting for, you rehearsed your romantic lines over & over… and now it’s time for you to express yourself… but unfortunately the only thing either of you can hear are the loud chitter chatter of other guests. Mind you, don’t judge them because they are quite literally on the same boat as you!



I know I know, on a day like this money should not matter. However, what’s the point of spending all that money on a night where you faced the above stated problems? If that’s something you don’t mind, going out is just fine! But if you like your own peace, quiet & privacy, all the drama is really not worth it.

So, here is why I would never go out on valentine’s day. Now, I’m sure you’re wondering, “Surely it’s better than sitting at home?”. Well the answer is… not quite. Let me explain why spending valentine’s day at home, is more romantic & a hell of a lot is more convenient! Without further a due, here are 5 reasons why you should stay at home.


Sure, you can book a “private” table at an exclusive restaurant… but so can a 100 other people. What a 100 others can’t do, is book a table at your home. Nothing will beat the privacy of your own dinner table.



It’s your house isn’t it? Which means you control the music, it’s volume & the theme. This control over your evening allows you to personalize the night/theme of the night according to what you and your special half love. No restaurant knows your better half better than you. Which means no restaurant can plan a night as perfect for your man/woman as you!


What’s better than getting ready, reaching your dinner table in a couple of steps, then when it’s all finally done, walking the same number of steps back to your room to get that goodnight sleep you so crave? It’s as convenient as it gets!



They say food tastes better when you make it… and it’s true. Not only that, cooking a meal with your special someone on a day like valentines’ day is as immersive as a date can get! So not only do you have a good time while creating stories to tell, you can cook exactly what you want to eat!... should you or your better half posses the skill required… if not, well, I guess it’s romantic way to learn.



Unfortunately, Valentine’s day is not a national holiday. This means, unless you took a leave or are unemployed (all the more reason to stay home and save the money), you would have had work that day. Now I don’t know about you, but work makes me lazier than a fat lab after a meal. Dinner at home helps give you & your man/woman a breather from the hectic schedule of city life. So, save yourself the mental ache & host your own valentines night dinner.

So, are you a dinner at home kind of person or a “hey! Let’s go to that new restaurant” kind of person? We’d love to hear what you guys prefer to do! Do let us know in the comments below & have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!


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1 comment

I can relate with this sooo much! Sending this to my girlfriend, let’s see what she has to say 😂

Anirudh Gupta

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