A 3 Point Check List for The Next Time You Buy God Idols Online

A 3 Point Check List for The Next Time You Buy God Idols Online

Nowadays, every single kind of product or service can be found in online stores. This includes the idols of our favorite gods too. Whether it’s Ganesh idols for your car, Buddha idols for your home or Durga idols for your office, you can find them all from the comfort of your own home. However, like with any product on the World Wide Web (WWW), there are a lot of examples that exhibit poor quality in terms of materials used, authenticity & packaging. Therefore, it’s important for e-commerce users to be aware of sites they can trust and the ones they can’t.

Remember, an aware customer, is a smart customer. Which is why I’ve attached a checklist down below for the next time you purchase god idols online!

  1. Material Quality – Now of course you can’t tell what material the product has been made of just by looking at an image. But you should expect the website to state the materials being used right? 

Any good website will have the materials used listed out. There is a small chance that these sites might be exaggerating their claims but its important to note that this comes with huge legal implications. So, if a website has stated the product dimensions and materials, you can give them the benefit of the doubt. Checking online reviews for the website is the perfect way to validate your assumption.

  1. Packaging – Easily one of the most important aspects while making purchases online, especially for god idols as you wouldn’t want them to come in broken right? If the product is not packaged well, not only does it look terrible, but also means that any sort of force released onto the product during delivery is sure to cause damage. Now if you wish to know how good or bad the packaging is, just search for website reviews. It’s that simple… Any customer with a bad experience is sure to make it known! To add to that, all good sites will have an internal or external reviews section.

Therefore, you should do your research before making a purchase. For example, Ganesh idols  with the trunk facing towards the right is said to require powerful prayers that are unsuitable for one’s home. These prayers can bring in energies too strong to live with. Hence, it’s important to ensure the trunk is always facing the left.

So, next time you’re going to buy god idols online, keep these 3 simple factors in mind, it’s sure to help you narrow it down to the best of the best.

  1. Authenticity – Ever heard of Vaastu shastra? There is a reason the laws of Vaastu exist. These laws are especially key to those items that are said to carry spiritual power. According to the laws of Vaastu, every single detail contributes to the placement, type of worship & the subsequent energy the product will bring. Some god idols you find online are made from materials that go completely against the laws of Vaastu. Not only would this mean you’re buying an inaccurate product, but it could also have negative implications on you and your loved ones.


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